William Sterling


Florence Price

Florence Price – Composer and Pioneer A child prodigy making her concert debut at 4, the same age as Mozart, Florence Price graduated with 2 diplomas at the age of 19. She was a professional organist, concert pianist and teacher, heading the music department at Clark University, Georgia at 23. Of her 300 compositions her… Read more »

Fanny Mendelssohn

Mendelssohn and Mendelssohn Fanny and Felix had a closer bond than probably any two other musicians but had very different careers due to their difference in gender. In his youth, Felix was described as the Mozart of the C19th but some considered his sister Fanny to be even more talented. She was destined by convention… Read more »

Music composition

I wrote my first work when I was five.  It was for chime bars and Mrs Distin called it “William’s Tune”.  This was 1963 and I think she was very surprised that a five year old would be able to come up with an original tune.  I had played all the ones she had given… Read more »
