William Sterling

This tag: Handel

Nero’s Women

This lecture was given on 22 June 2021 as part of the City Lit/British Museum/University College London Classics Week based around the British Museum exhibition on Nero. The text of the lecture. Neros women A PDF version of the slides that went with the lecture. Nero’s Women Classics Week 2021 Lecture PDF The two musical… Read more »

This tag: Handel

Life and Times of King George II

What is the course about?l George II is perhaps best remembered as the last British monarch to lead his troops into battle and also as the instigator of the custom of standing for the Hallelujah Chorus in Handel’s Messiah.  His reign marked the high point of Handel’s career which the King did much to promote… Read more »

This tag: Handel

Life and Times of King George I

What is the course about? From being the ruler of an obscure German electorate George I suddenly became king of on the most powerful nations in the world in his fifties. He was never popular in his new kingdom but established a constitutional monarchy which has survived to today. What topics will we cover? We… Read more »

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