William Sterling

This tag: Italian composers

Life and Times of King George IV

George IV waited till he was nearly 60 before succeeding as king but once he had was diligent and successful. Course Description George IV is perhaps best remembered as the Prince Regent whose extravagance was matched by his good taste.  He built Brighton Pavilion in an exotic style which led the way to great changes… Read more »

This tag: Italian composers

Life and Times of King George I

What is the course about? From being the ruler of an obscure German electorate George I suddenly became king of on the most powerful nations in the world in his fifties. He was never popular in his new kingdom but established a constitutional monarchy which has survived to today. What topics will we cover? We… Read more »

This tag: Italian composers

George I

From being the ruler of an obscure German electorate George I suddenly became king of on the most powerful nations in the world in his fifties. He was never popular in his new kingdom but established a constitutional monarchy which has survived to today. This course was run at the City Lit on Saturday 16th… Read more »

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