This tag: British Museum
The contrasting roles of women in different parts of Roman society in the Republic and the Empire, from slaves to Empresses. The numerous female goddesses will be examined and how their attributes reflected the view of men. Death and burial will also be looked at and the magnificent tomb of Helena and Mausoleum of Galla… Read more »
This tag: British Museum
The Etruscans are among the most mysterious of Ancient Europeans but they took many ideas from the Greeks and passed them on to the Romans whilst maintaining their own unique identity for 700 years or more. The British Museum has a fine collection of gold, bronze, ceramics and other objects from the many tombs excavated… Read more »
This tag: British Museum
The Modern Olympics have been held every 4 years since 1896 except during war or delayed for the pandemic. The Ancient Olympics were held for over a thousand years and were only once delayed through the whim of the Emperor Nero. Objects from the games at Athens illustrate these games and how they differed from… Read more »