This tag: Olympic Games
As the Modern Olympic Games are going to take place this summer, it is time to reflect on their origin in Ancient Greece. Other Greek cities held games and the class will include a virtual visit to the British Museum. What is the course about? Using images from sculpture and pottery and the descriptions by… Read more »
- Posted on: June 12, 2021
- Featured in
- Also tagged Ancient Greece, Ancient History, Ancient Olympics, Ancient Rome, Art History, Athens, British Museum, Discobolus, Etruscans, European History, Greek Pottery
This tag: Olympic Games
I run a tour at the British Museum inspired by the Olympic Games which covers the origin of the Ancient Olympics and what events were covered in those games. We can discuss how modern games differ from and are similar to their ancient cousins. The tour also covers some of the games not at Olympia… Read more »
- Posted on: July 26, 2019
- Featured in British Museum Eyeopener Tours, History, History features
- Also tagged Achilles, Ancient Greece, Ancient History, Ancient Olympics, Ancient Rome, Ancient Sport, British Museum, Etruscans, European History, Greek Myths, Sport History, Troy