William Sterling

This tag: Queen’s House

The Queen’s House Greenwich

This tour was devised for a course entitled “Gods and Heroes: the influence of the Classical World on art in the C17th & C18th” at the Queen’s House in 2017 as the Queen’s House itself is the first neo-classical building in Britain and many of the objects displayed in it demonstrate the influence of the… Read more »

This tag: Queen’s House

Life and Times of George II

Life and Times of George II What is the course about? George II is perhaps best remembered as the last British monarch to lead his troops into battle and also as the instigator of the custom of standing for the Hallelujah Chorus in Handel’s Messiah. His reign marked the high point of Handel’s career which… Read more »

This tag: Queen’s House

Gods and Heroes: The Influence of the Classical World on Art in the C17th and C18th

This was a one day course originally run at the Queen’s House and National Maritime Museum in Greenwich on 22 July 2017. What is the course about? Ever since the Renaissance artists in Western Europe had been discovering the beauty and majesty of statues and other works of art from the worlds of Ancient Greece… Read more »

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